Friday 2 February 2018

Fitting and Turning - Safety regulations for Grinders (Level2)

OHSA - Occupational health and Safety Act (85 of 1993) lay down the rules for Employers as well as employees as far as safety in the workplace are concerned. These rules are written in such a way that they cannot be misunderstood. I will attempt to put them into layman's terms so that it is easier to study.
Here are the important excerpts for Level 2

General Machinery Regulations 3:
Safeguarding of machinery

Every employer, employee or user of the machinery shall

1) make sure that all machinery used are suitable for the purpose which it is used.
2) make sure all exposed and dangerous parts within normal reach of  a person is safeguarded to prevent accidental injury.
3) make sure that all safety equipment is in good working order and used correctly and safely.
4) make sure that the material used in the construction of the machinery and the safeguards is suitable for it's intended use.
5) make sure that all machinery that endanger the safety of the persons around it is enclosed and that the entrances of the enclosures are close and locked.
6) make sure that no safety equipment is tampered with or removed from any machine still in operation.

General Machinery Regulations 4:
Operation of machinery

1)  Every employer, employee or user of the machinery every person operating the machine or equipment is fully aware of the dangers involved and safety measures is taken at all times.
2) Machinery that need constant supervision in order to prevent accidents should under no circumstances be left unattended.

Driven Machinery Regulation 2:
Revolving Machinery

The following components of moving or rotating machinery should be guarded or fenced at all times.
1) every shaft, pulley, wheel, gear, sprocket, coupling or similar object.
2) every set screw, key or bolt on revolving parts as named in no. 1.
3) every shaft or spindle end that projects for more than a quarter of it’s diameter
4) every driving belt, rope or chain
5) every underside of overhead driving belts, ropes or chains above passages or workplaces that can fall and injure people.

Driven Machinery Regulation 8:
Grinding machines

1) power driven grinding machines should be clearly marked to indicate the speed or spindle speed in revolutions per minute recommended by the manufacturer
2) no user shall allow a power driven grinding machine to be operated above the recommended spindle speed.
3) the user shall ensure that the grinding wheel is mounted properly with flanges big enough to prevent the grinding wheel from breaking up.
4) the user shall make sure that the grinding wheel is guarded with a substantial guard that will withstand the force of impact should the wheel break up.
5) the user shall ensure that sufficient support is provided for the work piece and that the gap between the rest and the wheel is no more than 3mm
6) every grinding machine shall be fitted with a strong transparent shield to protect the operator’s eyes. This shield may only be omitted if the operator is issued with suitable eye protection and forced to wear it.
7) a notice must be posted at the grinding machine to inform persons operating or watching operation of the machine to wear eye protection.

General safety rules to be obeyed by every person entering the workshop.
We regard safety as very important for the following reasons:
Financial considerations. Downtime because of accidents result in loss of income
Concern for worker’s and visitors welfare

Risk of injuries are greatly reduced if workers are sensitive to safety and follow the safety measures below.

Concentrate on your work at all time
Keep your eyes and focus on your work
Do not distract others while they are working and do not allow others to distract you from your work.
Do not use or operate tools or machinery that you are unfamiliar with. Ask help.
Use tools and machines only for the purpose that they were intended for. Use the right tool for the right job.
Keep the tools sharp.
Never make adjustments while the machine are operating or still in motion. Switch off and wait for it to come to a complete halt.
Make sure guards are in place and fitted correctly.
Read and understand the manufacturers instructions on how to use the machine/tool properly.
Always use a brush to clean dirty table surfaces.
Make sure all electrical cord are in good condition and power tools are earthed.
Report any strange noises in a machine.
Never lift heavy objects by yourself. Ask for assistance.
Be careful of slippery, greasy floors. Especially if you are carrying heavy loads.
Keep walkways clean of clutter.
Never run or fool around in the workshop.
Wear proper protective equipment.
Obey all safety signs.
Report all injuries, no matter how small or minor they seem to be.


ü Return Equipment and tools to their rightful place at the end of each day.
ü Stack equipment and materials neatly and safely.
ü Clean all tools after use
ü Clean your work area regularly.
ü Keep small items like nuts and bolts in storage bins.
ü Color coding on the floor - red floor = walkways, green floors = work areas. DO NOT store tools and equipment on walkways (red floors)
ü Do not store anything in front of fire extinguisher or fire hose.

Effects of good housekeeping:

ü It limits the time searching for tools and equipment.
ü Injuries are prevented
ü Fire hazards are reduced
ü A neat and orderly workshop improve working moral among workers.
ü Space is saved
ü Production is increased
ü Less accidents.

Safety precautions before, during and after grinding.

Select the correct wheel for the job.
If there is no label with speed and type markings on the wheel the wheel should not be used.
Make sure the spindle speed does not exceed the wheel speed.
Examine the wheel for defects before use.
Do the ring test to determine if the wheel is not cracked.
Check that the tool rest is properly fastened and the gap is less than 3mm.
Make sure the floor is clean and dry.
Check that safety guards are in place and in good condition.
Before switching on the machine, turn the wheel by hand to ensure that it runs freely.
Stand to one side, switch the machine on and wait for it to reach full speed.
Never grind on the side of the wheel.
Never adjust any part of the machine while it is in motion.

It is very important that all machines, tools and equipment is cleaned after being used. Failure to clean the machine, tools and equipment will lead to corrosion, built up of grease or oil. Moving parts will get stuck and the machine, tools and equipment will stop functioning properly. This lead to delays in production, more expenses and unsafe conditions.

Safety clothing to wear during grinding:

1. Safety glasses with side protection is required by law whenever you use a grinding machine.
2. Ear plugs or other hearing protection.
3. Face mask
4. SABS-certified overalls with sleeves rolled up and jacket buttoned or zipped up
5. Cap or hair net with hair tucked in securely
6. SABS-approved safety shoes with steel toe cap.
7. DO NOT wear gloves while grinding. Gloves can get caught in the machine leading to injuries.

Identify and remove all flammable materials before you commence with grinding.

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